F5 Paint Shaker
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1-877-862-7049 9am - 5pm ET, Mon - Fri
How Does It Works

The F5 is a dynamic unit which works to shake containers in three ways: horizontal, vertical and orbital. This simultaneous quick movement helps to mix liquids better than doing it by hand because it works to disperse even the tiniest of color pigments. You can actually see the difference . . . after a thorough shake sediment waste left on the bottom of your container is no longer evident.

Unlike other paint shakers on the market that deal with belts or pulleys (which can break and be costly to replace), the F5 functions simply has a motor that turns an offset counterweight. Plus, there are no gears so it makes the need for lubrication obsolete.

The F5 is truly a workhorse able to withstand a high volume of usage. Best of all its light weight portability enables either counter or floor operation. F5 Paint Shaker Manual!

Shown above:
view the F5 in slow motion to see the mixing capabilities and
three axis motion!

1-877-862-7049 9am - 5pm ET, Mon - Fri